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The ultimate guide to solar panels (with an electric car)

The ultimate guide to solar panels (with an electric car)

The cost of solar panels and batteries has dropped dramatically in recent years, making them a more attractive option. This decrease means you can save more money on your energy bills in the long run. Find out how with our ultimate guide.

With electricity costs often changing, generating your clean energy with solar panels can protect you from future price increases. Plus, affordable batteries allow you to store excess solar energy, reducing your reliance on the grid.

The falling price trend is expected to continue, making now an ideal time to consider solar. By doing so, you can lower your energy bills, reduce your carbon footprint, and secure your energy future.

Solar Powered Homes

Do Solar Panels Boost Your Home’s Value?

Absolutely! Studies have shown that homes with solar panels typically sell for more than those without. Research from Solar Energy UK shows an average increase of 0.9%-2%, translating to roughly £1,891-£2,722 for a typical home.  This increase is likely due to factors, such as potential energy cost savings, and the environmental benefits of solar. Another factor is the home’s EPC rating. By improving a home’s Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating with solar panels, it can significantly boost its value.

Are Solar Panels a worthy choice in the UK?

The cost of solar panels has decreased significantly in recent years, and the UK government offers several financial incentives for homeowners who install solar panels. For example you pay 0% VAT on the panels until 2027 and the Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) means you can get paid for the excess electricity you export back to the grid.

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How Do Solar Panels Work?

Solar panels work their magic by converting sunlight into electricity. They’re made of photovoltaic (PV) cells, which contain semiconductor materials like silicon. When sunlight strikes these cells, it knocks electrons loose from the atoms, creating an electric current. This current is then sent to an inverter, which converts it into alternating current (AC) electricity that can power your home appliances and devices.

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How Much Do Solar Panels Cost?

The cost of solar panels depends on several factors, including the size of the system, the type of panels used, and the complexity of the installation. Current Cost Estimates for Solar Panels in the UK (2024):

  • 2.1kW System (suitable for smaller homes): Around £4,200 (This estimate comes from The Eco Experts).
  • 3.5kW System (typical for 3-bedroom house): £7,000 – £10,000
  • 4kW System: £9,000 – £10,000
  • 10.4kW System: £13,000, or £15,700 with a battery included (This estimate comes from Effective Energy)

These are just average estimates, and the actual cost will depend on several factors:

Factors Influencing Cost:

  • System size (kW): The power rating of the system directly impacts the number of panels and overall cost. Larger systems with higher kW will naturally cost more.
  • Type of panels: Monocrystalline panels are generally more efficient and expensive than polycrystalline panels.
  • Brand and quality: Premium brands and high-efficiency panels will be more expensive.
  • Additional components: Inverters, batteries, mounting systems, and the type of changeover switch can also contribute to the overall cost.
  • Installation complexity: Roof type, accessibility, and any necessary electrical work can affect installation costs.
  • Location and installer: Prices can vary depending on your location and the chosen installer.

Getting Accurate Cost Estimates:

Electric vehicle using solar panel charging canopy
  • Get multiple quotes: Contact several reputable installers in your area to get detailed quotes based on your specific needs and roof characteristics. This is the most accurate way to determine the cost for your particular situation.
  • Use online calculators: Some websites offer solar panel cost calculators that can provide estimates based on your home size, energy consumption, and location.
  • Consult with experts: Talk to energy advisors or solar panel specialists who can offer guidance and help you understand the costs involved such as Effective Home.
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The Power Trio: Electric Cars, Solar Panels, and Batteries

The combination of electric cars, solar panels, and batteries can offer significant benefits for both homeowners and the environment. Here’s how these three technologies can work together to create a sustainable energy ecosystem:

Renewable Energy with Solar Panels:

Electric cars powered by solar panels and batteries can operate on clean, renewable energy, reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Solar panels generate electricity from sunlight, while batteries store excess energy for later use, creating a self-sufficient energy system.

Stacking Cost Savings:

Pairing electric cars with solar panels can reduce your dependence on traditional energy sources, potentially lowering your electricity bills. By generating and storing your own energy, you can become less reliant on expensive grid electricity.

Gaining Energy Independence:

With solar panels and batteries, you can reduce your reliance on the electrical grid, providing energy independence. This is particularly advantageous during power outages or emergencies, as you can still power your electric car and essential appliances.

However, it’s important to note that gaining energy independence with solar panels and batteries comes with additional cost. The cost of the switching system will vary depending on the type of switch you choose, whether it’s a manual switch or a smart automatic switch. Manual switches are less expensive, while automatic switches offer more convenience and automation but comes with a higher price tag.

Smart Energy Management and Electricity Tariffs:

Smart energy management systems are becoming increasingly popular in the UK. It offers a more smarter approach to energy usage and maximizing the benefits of solar panels and electric vehicles (EVs). These systems manage the flow of energy, ensuring that surplus power is used to charge EVs or stored for later use.

For example, during peak sunlight hours, when your solar panels generate excess energy, the system can charge your EV. This avoids the need to draw electricity from the grid at higher rates. Conversely, during the evening or on cloudy days when solar production is low. The system can draw energy from the battery to power your home or charge your EV. By doing so it avoids peak electricity rates.

Integrating Smart Tariffs:

In addition to managing energy flow, smart energy systems can also be integrated with smart electricity tariffs. These tariffs offer varying electricity rates throughout the day. Typically with lower rates during off-peak hours and higher rates during peak demand periods.

By integrating with smart tariffs, your system can be programmed to charge your EV during off-peak hours, when electricity is cheaper. This not only reduces your overall energy costs but also helps balance the load on the grid. In turn, promoting a more sustainable energy system.

Benefits of Smart Energy Management and Smart Tariffs:

  • Maximize Self-Consumption: By optimizing energy usage, you can increase the amount of self-generated solar power you consume, maximizing savings.
  • Reduce Energy Costs: Smart tariffs and energy management systems can help avoid peak electricity rates and use lower off-peak rates, leading to cost savings over time.
  • Increase EV Charging Efficiency: By charging your EV with surplus solar power or during off-peak hours, you can minimize charging costs.
  • Enhance Grid Stability: By intelligently managing energy demand, you can contribute to a more balanced electricity grid, reducing the need for fossil fuel-powered plants.
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Payback Periods: Your Roadmap to Energy Savings with an Electric Car

Adding an electric vehicle (EV) to your household can significantly impact the payback period of your solar and battery investment. Here’s how:

Solar Panels Only:

  • Without Battery: 8-12 years (typical for a 4kWp system, per Energy Saving Trust). However, with an EV, you’ll be using more electricity at home for charging, increasing your savings and potentially shortening the payback period.

Solar Panels with Battery Storage:

  • 7-15 years (potentially shorter with optimal usage and tariffs). Integrating an EV can further optimize your system. You can use excess solar energy to charge your car during the day, and the battery can store energy for charging at night or when solar production is low. This can significantly reduce your reliance on the grid and accelerate your payback period.

Factors Influencing Payback with an EV:

  • EV Charging Habits: How often and when you charge your EV will impact your energy consumption and overall savings. Charging during off-peak hours or when solar production is high can maximize savings.
  • EV Battery Size: Larger EV batteries require more energy to charge, increasing your consumption and potentially shortening the payback period.
  • Smart Charging: Utilizing smart charging systems that optimize charging times based on electricity tariffs and solar generation can further accelerate payback, you can find out more about our smart charger offering here.

Additional Considerations with EVs:

  • Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G): While not widely available in the UK yet, V2G technology allows you to discharge your EV battery back to the grid during peak demand, potentially earning additional revenue and further reducing your payback period.
  • Increased Self-Consumption: Charging your EV with solar energy significantly increases your self-consumption, reducing your reliance on the grid and maximizing the financial benefits of your solar and battery system.

The potential impact of an EV on your solar and battery payback, you can make informed decisions about your energy investments and create a truly sustainable and cost-effective energy ecosystem for your home and vehicle.

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Creating a Sustainable Energy Ecosystem at home:

By combining solar panels, battery storage, electric vehicles, and smart energy management systems with smart tariffs, you can create a truly sustainable and eco-friendly energy ecosystem for your home. This holistic approach not only minimizes your carbon footprint and promotes the use of renewable energy but also helps you save money and contribute to a more resilient and sustainable energy future.

At ElectriX – we’re working to bring this ecosystem to you whether it’s an electric car, charger or solar panels and batteries, we’ve got expert partners to help you on your journey to a cost-efficient future.

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The ultimate guide to a business electric car lease

The ultimate guide to a business electric car lease

What is a business electric car lease? Why lease a business electric car rather than purchase one? Is there a difference between a business lease and a personal lease? Why choose an electric car lease instead of hybrid, petrol, or diesel cars? Let us answer all your questions in our Ultimate Guide to Leasing an Electric Car for Business.

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What is a business electric car lease?

A business electric car lease refers to an agreement between a business and a leasing provider. It allows the business to lease one or more electric vehicles for a certain amount of time, typically ranging from 2 to 4 years. If you are leasing an electric vehicle through your business, your company pays a monthly fee for the use of the car. The expense counts against your profit and loss account and is fully allowed against corporation tax.

To be eligible you need to be a credit worthy sole traders or partnership, limited company or VAT-registered company.

How does business electric car leasing work?

Business Contract Hire (BCH) is the quickest and easiest way for small businesses to switch to electric vehicles. If you pay yourself in dividends rather than a salary or run a small fleet of company cars, BCH is a great way to get a company EV and take advantage of low company car Benefit in Kind tax rates.

BCH works like a long-term rental agreement. You and your company choose an electric company car, and decide on an acceptable monthly fixed repayment fee, mileage allowance limit and whether you need maintenance support. The contract is signed for a set period of time – typically between 2 and 4 years. At no point does the company own the car, at the end of the contract, the car is simply handed back.

Why businesses should consider electric car leasing rather than buying?

  • Lower Corporation Tax – lease any car with CO2 emissions of 50g/km or less and the full monthly rental payments are classed as deductible expenses. Meaning these costs can be off-set against company profits, leading to lower Corporation Tax.
  • VAT savings – leasing companies can reclaim VAT on every vehicle they lease, passing the savings on to customers. 
  • Attractive balance sheet – lease a company car and the asset or liability will not be shown on the balance sheet. 
  • Residual value protection – by leasing instead of buying, companies are protected from the financial risk of the vehicle losing value.
  • Financial certainty – leasing enables companies to plan budgets based on fixed monthly costs, with greater protection from unexpected maintenance costs. 
  • Protected cash flow – leasing allows companies to keep capital in their business to enable growth. 
  • Benefit in Kind – EV’s qualify for significantly lower BiK rates compared to higher emission diesels and petrol equivalents.
  • Enjoy the latest EV technology – With the current evolving EV market, new technologies are developing constantly. Leasing allows you to experience the latest electric cars and EV technology with new battery life, range or style every few years.
Check electric cars for business
Electric car at a business charging
Electric car at a charging station

Why choose electric business leasing over personal leasing?

Most leasing companies offer a choice of both Business and Personal Leasing. Or as it’s more commonly called, Business Contract Hire (BCH) or Personal Contract hire (PCH). For BCH, you’re leasing the car or fleet on behalf of your company, while PCH is just for you. The annual mileage allowance is often higher on a business lease to account for regular motorway journeys.

Business electric car lease VAT

If you’ve ever compared the BCH and PCH price, you’ll know that there’s quite a difference. It all comes down to VAT. Business prices are often shown with the VAT already discounted, while the personal contract always includes VAT, which in August 2023 was 20%.

If your company is VAT registered, you can claim back 50% of the VAT on the monthly payments – plus 100% of VAT back on the maintenance agreement. 

Can I use a leased business car for personal use?

Employees are free to use a company car for personal use, so long as they are not claiming that the car is solely for business use only. Employees who use a company car for personal use have to pay company car tax otherwise known as Benefit in Kind. BiK rates are for EV drivers are currently substantially lower than those for traditional fuels.

Electric car charge port

Why lease electric vs hybrid, petrol or diesel?

One of the most notable benefits of electric cars is the help they provide in reducing greenhouse gas emissions over their lifetime compared to fossil fuel powered vehicles, even when accounting for manufacturing.

However, switching to a business electric car, especially leasing a car, has various benefits that you might not be aware of.

Lower BiK rates for business electric car lease

Benefit in Kind (BiK) is a tax on employees who receive benefits or perks on top of their salary. If employees have the use of a company car for private use, they have to pay a BiK contribution, also known as company car tax. 

Every car has a BiK rating based on CO2 emissions, and a P11D value – which is the list price, including extras and VAT, but doesn’t include the first-year registration fee and vehicle tax.

The current company car tax rate for electric cars is just 2% fixed until April 2025, compared to up to 37% for some diesel cars. The rate is set to increase, but by just 1% each year until it reaches 5% in April 2028 – still way below the rate of petrol and diesel cars. 

Here are a couple of examples of the BiK rate differences between Petrol and Electric cars. As you can see EV business leasing could save you thousands.

Electric car example:Petrol car example:
List Price£40,000£40,000
BiK Rate2%31%
40% tax payer pays£320 annually£4,960 annually
20% rate tax pays£160 annually£2,480 annually

Lower Class 1A National Insurance contributions

There are two kinds of company car tax on electric company cars. As we’ve discussed, employees pay Benefit in Kind tax, while employers pay Class 1A National Insurance Contributions. 

Switch your company cars to electric and you can save on NI contributions. That’s because companies pay National Insurance on an employee’s Benefit in Kind. Quite simply, the lower the employee’s BiK payments, the lower the company’s NI contribution. 

Zero Vehicle Excise Duty for a business electric car lease

Until April 2025, owners of electric cars are exempt from Vehicle Excise Duty, commonly referred to as road tax. Drivers of petrol and diesel cars must pay an annual fee based on their CO2 emissions.
The new rules will see brand new electric cars registered on or after April 1st 2025 pay £10 in the first year, rising to £165 in subsequent years. Older EV models registered between 1 April 2017 and 31 March 2025 will pay the standard £165 fee. Low emission and zero emission cars first registered between 1st March 2001 and 30th March 2017 will move to £20 a year.

100% exempt from ULEZ and Congestion Zone charges

Electric cars emit zero exhaust emissions which means they are 100% exempt from ULEZ and Clean Air Zone charges. The daily charge for driving in London’s Ultra Low Emissions Zone as of August 2023 is £12.50. So, if you have lots of business in London, it’s easy to see how this cost could build to around £3,500 per year for daily use. 

ULEZ isn’t the only road charging scheme in London. Drivers of electric and diesel cars that emit over 75g/km of CO2 face Congestion Zone fees of £15 a day – while electric cars are again exempt from all charges until December 2025. 

Other cities around the UK have introduced their own chargeable Clean Air Zones including Aberdeen, Bath, Bristol, Bradford, Glasgow and Portsmouth. Similar schemes are also in consultation in Cambridge, St Albans, Warrington and Wokingham. 

EV Maintenance

Electric cars have fewer moving parts that can become damaged or worn down, plus regenerative braking which places less strain on the brakes reducing the upkeep further.

EVs don’t require diesel particulate filters or additives such as AdBlue, both of which come at a cost. So much so, that Go Ultra Low – from the UK Government – once estimated that an electric car’s maintenance costs will be around 70% less than those of diesel or petrol cars over its lifetime.

ElectriX work with CBVC to offer a maintenance package in the monthly lease cost so, it’s less likely you’ll have to worry about having to lose time or money getting your car fixed.

The cost of charging an electric car versus filling up

According to Fleet News in March 2024, UK average petrol prices were 143.49p per litre while diesel was more expensive at 152.69p per litre. Resulting in pence per mile costs of around 19p for a large 2000cc vehicle.

In the same month the average home electricity costs were priced on average at 30p per kWh. Meaning a typical large-size electric car (such as a Tesla Model 3) would cost around 11.1 per mile. This cost would come down to just 5p per mile at off-peak times, read more about when electricity is cheaper

The average rate for medium sized businesses during the same period was a comparable 29.8p per kWh. Business leasing customers who provide on-site charging at their premises may also benefit from tax deductions, and some local authorities may incentivise this further – saving electric company car drivers even more money.

Compare the average cost per mile for an EV

PetrolDiesel Electric
19p19p5p per mile (off-peak)

When it comes to rapid public chargers, prices are generally more expensive at up to 25.7p per mile, but conversely, some also enable drivers to top-up for free. You can read more about charging an electric car at The Ultimate Guide To Electric Car Charging

Claiming mileage back with electric business leasing

AER stands for Advisory Electricity Rate and is set by government. It applies when a company reimburses an employee for business travel in a company car, or where an employee is required to repay the company for personal travel in a company car. 

On September 1st 2023, the advisory rate for fully electric cars was 10 pence per mile. As the price of electricity fluctuates, so do the recommended rates. To keep up to date and check the value of previous rates, take a look at the website. 

Of course, companies are not constrained by the advisory rate. Should they choose to, they can pay more than 10 pence per mile, by providing the required evidence to HMRC. 

Key considerations for business electric car leasing

To make it easier for you when navigating the journey to electric, we recommend you consider three important factors before making the switch: range, charging and car maintenance.

Choosing the right company electric car

Different businesses will also require different types of electric cars based on the services they operate. Depending on how many miles you or your employees drive will likely dictate the EV range that most suits you. Cars with bigger batteries typically have higher range – many big battery cars can now travel over 350 miles on a single charge. You can read more about range here. It’s a general rule of thumb that the bigger the battery the bigger the car and the higher the cost or monthly lease cost.

Driving performance is often not as important in EV’s because even smaller electric cars tend to be quicker than many big mainstream petrol or diesel models – but for comfort on longer journeys you might choose a more spacious model. Most EV’s have advanced technology and supporting apps designed to help with journey planning, helping you locate the right charger in the right location during your business trip – you can compare features on the EV database.

The advantage of leasing an electric car for your business means you have the potential to try out brand new cars for at least 24 months and if new technology becomes available or your business needs change you can easily switch to a different model without any concerns over depreciation or time-consuming disposal. ElectriX can help you choose the right car by completing the online car quiz.

Electric car charging

Besides public charging stations, you will also need to think about other charging options for your business electric car. An effective and accessible charging infrastructure is essential for maximising the benefits of electric car mobility and ensuring seamless operations for your business fleet.

Businesses can implement smart charging solutions at the workplace to optimise charging schedules, minimize energy costs, and maximize charging efficiency. Or employees can consider a home charging solution. You can find up to date information on government grants for EV workplace charging in the UK here. For employees who would like a home charger installed, we partner with Indra to provide a seamless smart solution.

Maintenance package for leasing electric cars

Our EV leasing partner CBVC offers a business electric car lease package with maintenance covering routine servicing and repairs, leaving you free to focus on your other priorities without worrying about unexpected costs.

In summary, there are many financial and environmental benefits to both your business and your drivers if you choose electric car business leasing. Lower corporation tax, VAT savings and significantly lower BiK rates and running costs. Your business will become more sustainable and reduce the impact of business travel on the environment.

ElectriX can offer advice and support on all aspects of business leasing, visit our learn section or get a quote for a business electric car lease here.

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Ultimate Guide to ULEZ

Ultimate Guide to ULEZ

Is my car exempt from ULEZ charge? Do electric cars pay congestion charge? How many Clean Air Zones are there? Read our Ultimate EV Guide to ULEZ to answer all your questions and discover why switching to electric can be good for the environment and your pocket.

Clean Air Zones

If you drive in or close to London, you have probably heard of the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ). The extra charges that ULEZ bring, leave many drivers questioning if their vehicle is the most economical solution for their needs and whether switching to electric could be the best option.

This guide will explain what ULEZ is, which areas are affected and what it means for you and where you drive. We’ll also take a closer look at other charges such as the Congestion Charge and other Clean Air Zones around the UK.

What is ULEZ?

The Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) is a road user charging scheme in London that was first announced in 2015 and then officially introduced in April 2019. It was introduced to reduce air pollution in the city, principally by charging drivers of vehicles that do not meet acceptable emissions standards.

Where is the ULEZ?

Initially, the Ultra Low Emissions Zone only covered central London, since then the chargeable ULEZ zone has been expanded to include up to the North and South Circular roads encapsulating all London Boroughs.

What’s the daily ULEZ charge?

For cars, vans and motorcycles that don’t meet the emissions standards, the daily charge for driving in the ULEZ as of July 2024 is £12.50. Vehicles over 3.5 tonne do not pay ULEZ, they need to pay the LEZ charge. If you are a regular driver into London, it may be worth considering upgrading your vehicle or registering for the exemption scheme. Paying the charge just once a week would cost around £650 a year, while the costs skyrocket to around £3,500 per year for daily use.

ULEZ sign post

What cars are ULEZ compliant?

Whether your vehicle is compliant will depend on the type of vehicle you have. If you are not sure you can check your on the website. If your car vehicle falls within one of the following categories you won’t have to pay the ULEZ charge(as at July 2024).

  • Petrol cars and vans that meet the Euro 4 emission standards, this is typically petrol cars that are registered after January 2006
  • Diesel cars and vans must meet the Euro 6 emission standards, typically includes vehicles registered after September 2015.
  • Hybrid cars that meet Euro 4 or Euro 6 standards depending on their fuel type.
  • Classic cars typically over 40 years old.
  • Motorcycles and mopeds that meet the Euro 3 emissions standard.
  • Vehicles for disabled drivers or passengers – up until 24th October 2027
  • Fully electric cars

Are electric cars exempt from ULEZ?

Fully electric cars emit zero exhaust emissions which means they are 100% exempt from ULEZ and Clean Air Zone charges. However, hybrid petrol vehicles must meet Euro 6 standards and hybrid diesel engines must meet the Euro 4 standards.

What is the Low Emission Zone (LEZ)?

The LEZ covers the same area as the ULEZ but is geared towards heavy diesel vehicles such as lorries, big vans and coaches. It operates 24hrs a day every day of the year including public holidays. Much like ULEZ, Low Emission Zones (LEZ) are designed to reduce air pollution by imposing charges on certain vehicles depending on their emissions standards.

Other cities also operate their own versions of LEZ and ULEZ, often referred to as Clean Air Zones (CAZ).

Congestion charge sign

Other emissions and congestion charges to consider

Clean Air Zones (CAZ)

A Clean Air Zone (CAZ) works similarly to ULEZ and LEZ. In these areas, certain vehicles are required to either comply with emissions standards or pay a charge. Currently, there are four classes of CAZ, which differ depending on the vehicle type.

ClassVehicle Type
ABuses, coaches, taxis, private hire vehicles
BBuses, coaches, taxis, private hire vehicles, heavy goods vehicles (HGVs)
CBuses, coaches, taxis, private hire vehicles, HGVs, vans, minibuses
DBuses, coaches, taxis, private hire vehicles, HGVs, vans, minibuses, cars, the local authority has the option to include motorcycles

Charges for CAZ usually apply to a part of the city or a single road and the specific regulations and charges differ by location. However, the compliance standards remain the same – see below;

Vehicle TypeMinimum Euro Emissions Standard
Cars and vans (diesel including hybrids)Euro 6
Cars and vans (petrol including hybrids)Euro 4
Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs)Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs)
MotorcyclesEuro 3
Buses, coaches and heavy goods vehicles (HGVs)Euro 1

Where do Clean Air Zones operate?

There are currently seven cities that have adopted the CAZ scheme. They include Bath, Birmingham, Bradford, Bristol, Portsmouth, Sheffield and Tyneside, Greater Manchester (under review).

As the UK moves towards Net Zero and as pollution in cities is increasingly linked to health concerns, other towns and cities are now adopting CAZ with more cities under review to take on this scheme.

The Congestion Charge

The Congestion Charge is a separate scheme to ULEZ. It was introduced in 2003 to reduce traffic congestion in the centre of London by encouraging more people to use public transport around the city.

Whilst the Congestion Charge is not specifically designed to reduce pollution, it does contribute towards the efforts of reducing harmful carbons and air pollutants in the city. 

Where does the Congestion Charge operate?

The charging area extends from Kings Cross in the north to Elephant and Castle in the south, Hyde Park Corner in the west and Old Street roundabout to the east. These areas are operated by Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) cameras and the zones are signposted by a red disc containing a white letter c.

When does the Congestion Charge operate?

The Congestion Charge is in effect from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm Monday to Friday, and from 12:00 pm to 6:00 pm Saturday, Sunday, and Bank Holidays. There is no charge between Christmas Day and New Year’s Day bank holidays (inclusive).

Are electric cars exempt from the Congestion Charge?

If you drive an electric car or a vehicle emitting less than 75/km of CO2, you’re exempt from the daily £15 charge (August 2023). However, you have to register for the Cleaner Vehicle Discount in order to benefit from this. You can also get a full discount if you are registered disabled and a 90% discount if you are a resident of the Charge Zone area.

The future of the congestion charge

From December 2025, electric cars will no longer be exempt from the charge. According to Transport for London, this rule change is designed to encourage people to take public transport or to cycle.  If you do need to pay it, you can do so online, by phone, text message or by using the Transport for London Pay to Drive app, downloadable for free at Apple App Store and Google Play Store. Failure to pay will result in a penalty charge notice.

Make the switch to electric with electric car leasing from ElectriX

When driving in London or other cities around the UK having an environmentally friendly car is a must to allow you to enter these zones free of charge. As electric car leasing experts, we make switching to electric easy. We have everything you need in one place, from lease deals, smart home charging and electric car insurance.

Want to find out more about leasing an electric car from us? Start by clicking here to see our range.

Not sure if an electric car is right for you? Take our simple online quiz or explore our electric car guide for more information.

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The Ultimate Electric Car Guide

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Your electric car guide

As we push towards a greener and more sustainable future, you may be considering making the switch to an electric car yourself. With the more and more EVs on roads, there has never been a better time to do it. If you are new to electric cars there’s a few things worth considering, including types of electric car, how you’ll charge and how much range you’ll need.

We’ve put together this helpful guide to give you an introduction into the world of electric cars to help you decide how you’ll go electric.

What is an electric vehicle?

An electric vehicle (EV) is a vehicle which is powered by an electric motor. The electricity is drawn from a battery which is recharged through an external power source known as an EV charging point.

Types of electric cars

As well as fully electric vehicles, there are also plug-in hybrids and hybrid electric vehicles which use batteries as their secondary source of power.

Battery electric vehicles

A battery electric vehicle (BEV), also known as a fully electric vehicle or all-electric vehicle, is a type of vehicle that exclusively uses electricity to power it which is provided by batteries. Instead of refuelling like a traditional petrol or diesel vehicle, these batteries are charged using a home or public charge point. 

Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles

A plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) uses both batteries and either petrol or diesel for its power. When you drive a PHEV, the car will typically draw energy from the battery first, before using the petrol or diesel.  On average, batteries in PHEVs have an electric range of between 20 and 30 miles, which is usually enough for the daily commute. But for longer journeys, you have the backup of the fuel-powered engine.

Hybrid electric vehicles

Hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs), also known as hybrids or self-charging hybrids, are powered by electricity and a petrol or diesel engine. Unlike BEVs and PHEVs, a HEV uses its combustion engine as its main power source, meaning it cannot be plugged into the mains. The battery in a HEV is relatively small and will only produce a few miles of electric range if you are driving at a low speed.

What are the benefits of electric cars?

More and more people are switching to electric, and we’re seeing thousands of charging stations popping up all over the country every month. Electric cars are now mainstream, and if you’re thinking about changing your vehicle, it’s a great time to think about an electric car.

Can be cheaper to run

Electric cars are incredibly efficient on power and cheaper to “fuel” than petrol or diesel. The cost-per-mile is generally less, meaning you can travel longer distances at a lower cost.

If you drive a fully electric EV, then you are not currently required to pay any road tax which can result in substantial savings annually. EVs and many hybrids are also exempt from the Ultra Low Emissions Zone (ULEZ) charge and Clean Air Zones around the UK, which makes them ideal if you live in or around major cities that implement this.  

Electric cars are better for the environment

Because electric cars are powered by lithium-ion batteries, they do not produce harmful exhaust emissions associated with traditional combustion engines. If you drive an all-electric car, then they won’t have a tailpipe which emits greenhouse gases and particulate matter into the atmosphere.

Whilst PHEVs and HEVs do emit these greenhouse gases, some of this is offset by the secondary battery power source. You can read more here.

They can be cheaper to maintain

As electric cars have fewer moving parts compared to their petrol and diesel counterparts, they are more efficient and can be cheaper to maintain. Unlike petrol and diesel vehicles there is no oil to change, no gaskets to replace and no valves to clog up.

Smoother and quieter to drive

Electric cars emit very low sound at low speeds because they don’t have internal combustion engines producing noise and vibrations. Electric car manufacturers build in a low-level buzz sound to warn pedestrians and other road users in the interest of safety rather than as a result of the engine.

Wide variety of electric car models

Whatever your requirements and driving style, there are plenty of options when it comes to electric cars including fully electric and hybrid models. From city cars to something sporty, family sized or daily commuters there is be a wide choice of EVs to choose from, you can see the full range available through our leasing partner CBVC here.

Financial incentives

If you are looking to make the switch to electric, there are lots of financial incentives to help you. For example, you can get government grants to buy and install a home charger if you rent or live in a flat. There is also a Workplace Charging Scheme (WCS) and On-street Residential Chargepoint Scheme (ORCS) which help to cover some of the cost of public and residential car charges. 

block of flats

Factors to consider when choosing to switch to an electric car

An electric car is a big purchase, and as with any car, it’s worth doing your homework before purchasing or leasing to work out what’s right for you, there are plenty of questions you should ask and things you should consider.

Costs – upfront costs

Cost is always a factor when making any purchase or taking out a lease deal. At the moment, EVs generally cost more to purchase outright compared to their diesel and petrol alternatives. Some people choose to purchase second-hand which can be a cheaper option. However, there are some risks associated with this, particularly when it comes to the health and lifespan of the car. For that reason, leasing an electric car can be a great alternative and guarantees you a brand-new car with fixed monthly costs, with a lease you choose the upfront cost you feel comfortable paying as part of your contract.

Costs – running costs

Whilst upfront costs for electric cars are sometimes higher, particularly if you are purchasing an electric car – they are generally cheaper to run than petrol or diesel. Whether you’re talking about road tax, maintenance or fuel, on average, electric car drivers pay less. It’s also worth considering the costs associated with driving in big cities as many now charge a clean air zone charge for more polluting vehicles, but zero charges for fully electric cars.


Electric car range is an important consideration when choosing an electric vehicle. More than half of the electric cars now on the market can travel over 200 miles on a full charge and over a third can do more than 250 miles. The average daily journey in the UK is under 30 miles, so electric cars are ideal for most trips. Some parts of the country have more chargers than others, you should plan where to top up before you hit the road.

“Range anxiety” was a term coined during the early days of EVs, before technology advanced to provide higher capacity batteries and more public charging points. This is not so much of a problem nowadays but before you decide which electric car to get you should record how many miles you typically do in a month and in single journey to choose a car that’s right for you.

Charging your EV

You will need to consider how and where you will charge your fully electric or hybrid car. There are lots of options when it comes to electric car charging. Most EV drivers will install a home-charger which is a dedicated device installed at home, it’s useful to have a driveway or some form of off road parking if you decide on this option. Depending on the car you have, there are several different electric charger types available. These offer different charging capabilities. With newer smart chargers, such as the Indra Smart PRO you get additional features such as remote control, optimised charging and solar charging.

You also have the option to charge whilst out and about using a public charger. Power is paid for through an app or via contactless payment, in the same way you would at a fuel station.


Servicing and maintenance costs tend to be cheaper with electric cars because there aren’t as many moving parts. Unlike traditional petrol or diesel cars, brake pads don’t wear down as quickly on electric vehicles because the electric motor does most of the work to slow down the vehicle. On the other hand, depends on driving style tyres can wear slightly faster on an electric car because of the higher torque. If you lease an electric car, including maintenance within your contract is often an option if you are concerned.

What’s it like to drive an electric car?

Driving an electric car is pretty much the same as driving an automatic petrol or diesel car. You do not need a special licence to drive them and some people even consider them easier to drive than a manual transmission.

Much like driving an automatic, there’s no gear stick, just a selector to choose between park, drive, neutral and reverse. To drive, you simply press the accelerator to speed up and press the brake to slow down.

One noticeable difference between driving an electric car and driving a petrol or diesel car is how quiet they are. This can initially confuse people as it may sound and feel like the car isn’t switched on. Also, electric cars benefit from instant power, meaning they accelerate quickly, which can take some time to adjust to.

Another difference is that electric cars do not coast. Instead, when you slow down, they use a technology called “regenerative braking” to charge the battery. It makes driving much more efficient and saves brake wear, but it can feel a bit different as you drive but most drivers quickly get the hang of it.

Woman using graphical display in electric car

How can I get an EV?

New and second-hand EVs can be purchased from a dealership in the same way you would purchase a petrol or diesel car. This can be done by buying the car outright or by spreading the cost of the car through a lease or other financial agreement.

PCP and Hire Purchase

Generally speaking, both of these options involve paying an initial deposit and then fixed monthly payments until you come to the end of your agreement. Both options usually allow you to own the car at the end of your agreement subject to paying an ‘option to purchase fee’ or a balloon payment.

Electric car leasing

Put simply, electric car leasing means renting the car for a set period of time. This can be through either personal electric car leasing or a business car lease through your place of work.

Leasing an electric car can often work out more cost effective than PCP or HP, however unlike the above options you are not automatically offered the opportunity to ‘buy’ the car at the end of the agreement, although some funders will allow you to do so upon request.

Compared to buying, leasing is a great way to get access to the latest makes and models without worrying about depreciation. Leasing also comes with a manufacturer’s warranty and additional maintenance packages which cover the general maintenance and servicing costs for extra peace of mind. Find out more about how electric car leasing works in our guide.

What EV grants or savings are available?

To encourage people to go electric, there are a few government grants and tax efficient schemes to help reduce the cost of owning and leasing an EV.

Plug-in vehicle grant

As of June 2022, the following low-emission vehicles may be eligible for a plug-in grant: wheelchair-accessible vehicles, mopeds, motorcycles, taxis, trucks and vans. The value of the grant will vary, depending on the vehicle type. However, you must have an eligible plug-in vehicle to qualify for this. 

Electric vehicle charge point grant

If you rent your property or live in a flat, you may be eligible for the Electric vehicle charge-point grant. This grant provides up to £350 or 75% off the cost and installation of a home charger (whichever is lower).

Salary sacrifice schemes

Employer Salary sacrifice schemes mean paying for a car lease straight from your salary before you pay tax. The benefit of doing this is that you won’t pay tax on the lease you pay or other benefits included, for example EV home charger or insurance. You can encourage your company to set up a salary sacrifice scheme here.

Company car benefits

If you run your own business, you may be eligible to get a company car through electric car business contract hire (BCH). BCH provides a number of tax benefits including very low benefit-in-kind rates and refundable VAT on the lease.

Make the switch to electric with electric car leasing from ElectriX

As electric car leasing experts, we make switching to electric easy. From lease deals, smart home charging and electric car insurance, we offer everything you need in one place to make the process hassle-free.

Want to find out more about leasing an electric car from us? Start by clicking here to see our range or explore our guide on leasing an electric car for more information.

Frequently asked questions

Are electric cars less reliable than petrol or diesel cars?

Electric cars are very reliable, they don’t have as many moving parts as petrol or diesel cars, so there’s no clutch, gearbox, spark plugs or exhaust to go wrong. They also generate less vibration, which reduces the wear on other parts and keeps maintenance costs down. There is no evidence to suggest they are any less reliable than combustion cars.

How do you service an electric car?

Just like petrol or diesel, you can either use your local dealer or a mobile service. If you’d prefer to use an independent local garage, many electric-friendly garages are registered with the Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Repair Alliance (HEVRA). If you choose to lease a car, you can usually opt to include servicing and maintenance as part of your agreement.

image on Hyundai Kona electric car

How much is electric car road tax?

Because there aren’t any emissions at the tailpipe, vehicle excise duty (road tax) on fully electric cars is currently zero. However, this is due to change from April 2025.

Are electric cars suitable only for urban driving?

While electric cars are well suited to town and city driving, they’re also great for cross-country journeys. Improvements in battery range and charging infrastructure mean that electric cars are ideal for most trips but you should always make sure you have enough range to cover your journey, or simply plan to charge up on route.

Family loading up the electric car

Are electric cars safe?

Yes, electric cars are safe and they are all built to the same safety standards as their diesel and petrol counterparts with many receiving the top-mark 5-star safety ratings from Euro NCAP.

All electric cars must go through stringent safety assessments before they are made available to buy and they have plenty of safety tech built in. Like any car, the safety of an electric car depends on how well it has been maintained and cared for – to keep yours in tip top condition regularly service and look it as you would any car.

What sort of electric car chargers are there?

There are two main types of electric car chargers: standard chargers and rapid chargers. Standard chargers are the most common. They’re the sort you’ll have fitted at your home and at supermarkets and car parks. Rapid chargers are much faster, and you’ll often find them at fuel stations and motorway services. You can read more about electric car charging in our guide.

Electric vehicle on charge

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Ultimate Guide To Electric Car Charging

Ultimate Guide To Electric Car Charging

Wave goodbye to the petrol station. Going electric takes a bit of adjustment but once you work things out, you won’t go back to filling up on a forecourt. So, what do you need to know about electric car charging before you switch? Let us be your guide.

image of a Tesla Model Y

If you’ve never driven electric before, the concept of electric car charging may seem confusing. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. With the dramatic increase in public charging networks and options for home charging points, electric car charging has never been easier.

In this guide, we’ll take a closer look at what EV charging is, the types of EV chargers available and cover useful information on how to charge an electric car efficiently.

What is an EV charger?

An EV charger, also known as a charge point or charging station, is a device which supplies electric power to an electric vehicle. Just like any chargeable device or electronic, electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles require an EV charger to keep the battery charged.

What are the different types of electric car chargers?

Slow chargers

A slow EV charger typically provides between 2.3kW and 3.6kW of power using AC (Alternating Current) through a three-pin plug. These were the most common types of chargers when electric cars entered the mass market. Slow charges, although more uncommon, can usually be found in homes or workplace locations where cars can be left to charge for longer periods.

Fast chargers

Standard chargers are the most common. They include home chargers and the ‘destination chargers’ you find in car parks and at supermarkets. You just plug your car in when you park up and then go about your business. People sometimes call these ‘fast chargers’ and they use AC (alternating current) at up to 22kW. As a guide, a smart home charger is 7kW and will give you about 14 miles of charge in half an hour – but that will depend on your car.

Rapid and ultra-rapid chargers

Rapid chargers and newer ultra-rapid chargers are for when you need a very fast top-up. The energy tends to be more expensive but you won’t be waiting long: you can get up to 80% charge in half an hour (which is where most drivers stop topping up as the last 20% takes longer). These use DC (direct current) and can charge at over 100kW – which could give you over 100 miles in half an hour. It’s worth checking what rate of charge your electric car can take – the Kia e-Niro is capped at 77kW, for example, so it will only be able to charge that fast, no matter the speed of the public charger.

Electric car charger connection types

When it comes to electric car charges, there are numerous different types of charger connections. The connection typ]e you need will depend on the type of EV you have.

Type 1 (3kW to 7kW)

Type 1 EV chargers have a five-pin design and they are typically used to charge older electric cars such as the first-generation Nissan Leaf. Type 1 chargers are slow chargers and typically provide up to 6kW AC. Unlike other types of electric car chargers, these chargers do not feature a locking mechanism which locks the car during the charging period.

Type 1 electric car chargers, which have a five-pin design.

Type 2 (3kW to 43kW)

Type 2 electric chargers feature seven pins instead of five and they are the most common type of charger used today. Type 2 chargers typically provide up to 22kW of charge and unlike Type 1 chargers, they have a locking mechanism which secures it to the car whilst it’s charging.

Type 2 electric car chargers with seven pins.

CHAdeMO (25kW to 100kW)

CHAdeMO car chargers are a type of rapid charger and they feature seven pins. These types of charger can offer a charging rate of up to 100kW. These chargers are rapidly being replaced by CCS which can charge more quickly. 

CHAdeMO type EV chargers a rapid charging connector

CCS (50kW to 350kW)

Combined charging system connectors (CCS) are what is known as a rapid charger and almost all vehicles now use this connection type. They can typically provide between 50kW to 350kW of DC power.

CCS electric car charger with 9 pins

Electric car charging cable types


Tethered charges have a fixed cable which cannot be removed from the charging device. Tethered charging cables are the most common type of charger used in homes. To use them, you simply unravel the cable from within the unit and plug it into your vehicle, similarly to how you would fill up at a fuel station.

The only downside to this type of charging cable is that you are limited by the length of the cable. If you require more length, this usually comes at an additional cost.


Unlike tethered chargers, untethered charges have a detachable cable which can be removed and stored when not in use. When you purchase an untethered charging unit, you will need to purchase the charging cable separately. This can offer more flexibility when it comes to choosing the length of your cable and you will be able to take it with you as you travel.

Untethered charging cables can sometimes be more inconvenient than tethered as you have to connect the charging cable before then connecting it to your car.

How much do chargers cost?

It depends on which charger you choose and who installs it. As a guide, you can buy an Indra Smart PRO charger for around £1,000 (including site survey, standard installation and VAT).

Whenever a new charger is installed, the installer will check on important detail first with the electricity company that operates the network in your area (sometimes called a Distribution Network Operator or DNO). They sometimes requires an upgrade or for you to install new equipment – things like an isolator switch or your distribution board – which can add to the installation fee.

Are there grants for home chargers?

While you can’t get a grant any more to install a home charger if you live in a house you own, there are government grants available if you rent or if you live in a flat. For example, the plug-in vehicle grant and electric vehicle charge point grant could help to cover some of the cost of installation.

How to charge an electric car

To charge an electric vehicle, you simply need to plug it into a charging point. The length of time it takes to charge will depend on the type of charger you use. When it comes to charging locations, you now have lots of options to choose from.

Home charging

Home charging is usually the cheapest and most convenient place to charge your electric car, particularly if you have off-street parking, and allows you to leave your car on charge for longer periods.

Many people are now choosing to use smart chargers working on timers in their homes. You enter your tariff details when you set it up and it does the rest. That means it checks when your off-peak times are (normally in the middle of the night) and charges then.

More sophisticated chargers have additional features. For example, you can set rules that choose when to charge based on the type of energy you use. So if you want energy that costs below a certain price or which generates less carbon, you can do that. The charger will get data from your energy supplier – you just tell it how you want it to behave. We recommend Indra high-tech chargers if you are looking for a new installation.

Public charging

As the ownership of electric vehicles has increased, EV charging networks are far more readily available. For example, Osprey (whom ElectriX is partnering with), has a network of over 750 live rapid charging stations.

If you’re running low on energy you just need to find a public charger which is right for your car. So that means it has the right plug and can give you enough charge in the time you have available. So if you’re parking up for a few hours you can use a standard charger. If you’re taking a 20-minute break on a long journey it’s best to use a rapid charger.

Osprey public electric car charger

How long does it take to charge an electric car?

We measure charger speeds in kilowatts (kW) – the more kilowatts, the faster you can charge your car.

Each car also has its onboard charger with its kilowatt rating. This is the fastest it’ll be able to charge. So if you plug in a car with a 100kW onboard charger to a 150kW rapid charger, it’ll still only charge at 100kW.

On rapid chargers, most drivers and some cars will stop their charge at about 80%. That’s because the charging rate slows down from this point and it’s polite to let anyone who’s waiting for the charger take over.

Let’s look at how long it takes to charge up a Hyundai KONA Electric 64 kWh:

Charge powerCharger typeRange per 30 minutes of charging
3.7kWStandard charger7.5 miles
7kWStandard charger14 miles
50kWRapid charger99 miles (based on 30 mins charging in the 20-80% battery band)
150kWRapid charger153 miles (based on 30 mins charging in the 20-80% battery band)

Calculate the approximate charging time for your EV

To work this out you need to know two numbers, the power of your charger and the battery capacity of the car. Your battery capacity is like a fuel tank and your charger power tells you how quickly you can fill it up. Then you divide these two numbers:

Charger power (kW) / Car battery capacity (kWh) = Approximate time to charge in hours

So for a 64kWh Hyundai Kona on an 11kW fast charger, you could theoretically charge it to full in about six hours:

64 / 11 = 5.8

It’s only a rough estimate though. In practice, it’ll take a bit longer because of how batteries and chargers work. But it’s a good way of estimating time.

How far can an electric car travel on a full charge?

Most modern fully electric vehicles can typically travel between 110 and 300 miles on a single charge. However, your driving style and the conditions of the road will have an effect  on the true range of the car. For example, electric car range tends to decrease in colder or very wet weather. Similarly, if you use more acceleration and brake harder, this will result in less mileage.

What happens if your electric car runs out of charge?

If you run out of charge whilst you are driving, the car will stop running much like if you run out of fuel with a petrol or diesel car. In this situation, you will need to arrange for your car to be towed to the nearest charging station. If you have breakdown cover, this will usually be covered by your policy.

like a traditional combustion engine vehicle, you will be able to keep an eye on charge levels using data supplied by the car on the dashboard.

We’re also starting to see portable battery packs which offer on-the-go charging if you find yourself a fair distance away from a charging point. However, they are still rare and can be costly. For example, LV= Britannia Rescue is equipped with electric car recharge units for customers who run out of charge whilst out on the road. These chargers will provide electric vehicles with enough power to make them a charging point to continue their journey.

How to choose the right electric car charger for you

First of all, think about how smart you want it to be. A charger like the Indra Smart PRO is easy to use and still lets you take advantage of cheaper off-peak tariffs. And it also has more advanced features like smart scheduling and continuous updates.

Then think about whether you want a tethered cable or not. This means the cable is permanently fixed to the charger, making it much simpler to pull up and plug in. Removable cables let you swap the cable out later if you need to.

Then think about your house and your energy supply. If you have solar, for example, you should choose a charger that works well with your solar panels, like the Indra Smart PRO.

And last of all, there are lots of different designs so pick one you like the look of. Some are unobtrusive while others look a. little more high-tech.

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image of a Ford Mustang E-MACH

Make the switch to electric with electric car leasing from ElectriX

As electric car leasing experts, we make switching to electric easy. We offer everything you need in one place. From lease deals, smart home charging and electric car insurance, we have it all.

Want to find out more about leasing an electric car from us? Start by clicking here to see our range.

Not sure if an electric car is right for you? Take our simple online quiz or explore our electric car guide for more information.

Frequently asked questions

Who can install a home charger?

Installing a home electric car charger needs to be done by a professional they will carry out all the necessary safety checks to make sure the charger is working as it should.

Do you need to bring your own cable when charging an electric car?

It is always a good idea to carry your own charging cable as some charging points may be ‘untethered’ meaning they won’t have a cable attached. Many chargers do now have a ‘tethered cable’ which is permanently attached, however, this isn’t always the case so it is worthwhile having a backup.

Can you charge on a three-pin plug?

You can as an emergency option – but it’s not recommended. This is because a three-pin circuit can charge your car at 2.3kW, which is close to the maximum 3kW of power that the wiring is safe for. This increases the risk of overheating and even electrical fire. You should never charge through an extension cord that’s coiled or wound up.

It also takes a really long time (18-20 hours or more) to fully charge cars this way.

What if the charger’s broken?

Sometimes there’s a problem with a charger that means you can’t charge your car. It can be really frustrating.

The best way to avoid it is to check a charge point in a charger-finding app before you travel there. Users will often add a note saying if they’ve had problems, which means you can find a different charger instead.

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The Ultimate Guide to Leasing an Electric Car

The Ultimate Guide to Leasing an Electric Car

Leasing an electric car is just like renting a car when you go on holiday, but for a much longer time. It’s a great way to drive a new car with predictable monthly costs.

electric car mountains graphic

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How do you lease an electric car?

If you’ve ever hired or rented a car before, it’s just like that, but you keep the car for a few years.

The best way to get started is to get some quotes for a few different cars. Just enter some basic details and pick a car you’re interested in. Then you’ll get an idea of how much it costs and whether it’s right for you.

Why lease with ElectriX?

At ElectriX, we’re all about making it simple for you to get behind the wheel of a new electric car. Whether it’s your first or you’re upgrading, we’re with you all the way, making it simple. Just like it should be.

We’ve made sure we’re the only place you need to visit. So it’s not just leasing: we can help sort out your smart home charging and insurance to make your life that little bit easier too.

We’re working together with CBVC Vehicle Management Limited, a broker with vast experience in the leasing market and strong connections with manufacturers, dealers and leasing companies.

You can see our range of cars to lease, some are available to drive away in as little as 30 days. 

If you know what you want to drive, you can choose the exact car you want, brand new from the factory. What’s your favourite colour? What battery size do you want? Do you want a certain trim package? Choose any of the manufacturer’s options and then your car of choice will arrive at your house – with charge in the battery and ready to go.

Or if you want to get behind the wheel straight away, you can choose one that’s already built – and sometimes even pick up a special offer on it.

Businesses love leasing as well because of the predictable costs and being able to offset it against tax. And that’s not just big businesses – it’s popular with small businesses too.

How much does it cost to lease an electric car?

This depends on a few different things.

The car you choose: If you want a high-end Tesla or Porsche, the lease will cost more than a little supermini. It also depends on the options you choose – they’ll all affect what you pay each month.

How you’ll use it: How many miles will you cover in a year? And do you want to cover service and maintenance yourself, or would you like the peace of mind of a maintenance package with predictable costs?

You: You can choose how long to lease for and how much to pay up front – which all alters the cost. 

With most lease companies you can get loads of different quotes with different mileage amounts to help you compare costs.

What’s the cheapest electric car to lease?

Generally, the cheapest electric cars you can lease are superminis like the Vauxhall Corsa-e, Fiat 500e and Smart EQ Forfour. These compact cars are great for getting about town and are free to run in emission charging zones.

What’s the best electric car to lease?

It depends on what you want and where you drive. There are modern electric versions of almost every type of car now so if you want an SUV, supermini, estate, hatchback or sports car, you’ll find something that’s right for you.

How much does it cost to lease an electric car battery?

The battery is included in the lease – so you get the keys to a new car that’s ready to go. With some very early electric cars – like the early Renault ZOE – you could rent the battery on its own. Battery technology has improved so much now that it’ll last years longer than your lease.

Image of Renault Zoe electric car

How does leasing an electric car work?

It’s just like renting or hiring a car. You make an initial payment, make monthly payments, then hand your car back at the end of the contract. It’s a simple arrangement that’s great for people who like driving a new car, and it’s a popular way for people to try out electric cars.

What sort of electric car can I lease?

You can lease any car you can buy. And because you’re leasing a new vehicle, you can choose exactly what you want from the manufacturer’s options: battery size, colour, interior packs, styling kits, wheels and more.

How long is an electric car lease?

Most people go for somewhere between two and five years. Generally your monthly payment will be lower if you pick a longer lease, but it’s worth playing with the figures on the lease company’s website to understand the difference.

How does insurance work when you’re leasing an electric car?

During your lease period, it’s up to you to keep the car insured. It’s also important to let your insurer know you aren’t the registered owner or keeper.

There are some important details you should check when you’re choosing an electric car insurance policy because different insurers have different levels of cover. 

With electric car insurance from Allianz through ElectriX, for example, you get cover for charging cables and wall boxes, full battery cover for accidental damage, fire and theft, and recovery to the nearest charge point if you run out of charge in the UK.

How does servicing and maintenance work when you’re leasing?

While you’ve got the car, you’re in charge of looking after it. That means things like regular services, tyres and general maintenance.

When you lease an electric car, you can also get a ‘maintenance contract’ to keep the car in tip-top condition. You’ll pay a bit more for this but it will cover the costs of upkeep, repairs, MOTs and tyres. Some include puncture repairs too. So you don’t have to worry about finding the cash for work on the car as it’s all included in the fee.

Just bear in mind that it doesn’t cover abuse – so no wheelspins or rally special stages, please…

How does car tax work when you’re leasing an electric car?

Simple – you don’t pay anything because there’s no car tax (or vehicle excise duty, to use the proper name) on electric cars at the moment (February 2024). If this changes, you’ll need to cover it yourself.

Even though it won’t cost you anything, you’ll still need to renew it online every year to keep your car road legal.

How does breakdown cover work when you’re leasing?

Manufacturers often include breakdown cover with new cars, which normally covers between one and three years. If you take out a maintenance package you’ll be covered for the whole lease too. And some insurance companies include breakdown cover as part of the deal.

How does an MOT work when you’re leasing?

New cars need an MOT after three years – and if you take out a maintenance contract, your MOT costs are part of the package. If you don’t have a maintenance contract, you’ll need to keep the car covered with a current MOT certificate, which you’ll need to pay for.

image of a white electric car

How does the warranty work when you’re leasing?

Because it’s new, you get a full manufacturer’s warranty. You simply take the car to your local franchised dealer. If you have any problems then drop your lease company a line and they’ll take it up with the manufacturer.

What condition does the car need to be in when I give it back?

At the end of the lease you need to give the car back in good condition. Lease companies are realistic, so they’re not expecting it back in showroom condition. After all, you’ll have driven it several thousand miles a year!

Instead, the phrase they use is ‘fair wear and tear’. Now this sounds a bit vague, but there’s a specific definition from the BVRLA (British Vehicle Rental and Leasing Association). They say it’s ‘when normal usage causes deterioration to a vehicle’. Fair wear and tear doesn’t include damage from things like crashes or bumps, badly stowed items, poor treatment or negligence.

What this means is that they’ll expect the car back clean and in good shape. It’s worth having a proper check a couple of months before it’s due back. If there’s any damage like dents, scuffs or kerbed alloys you’ll need to get it fixed first. Or if you return the car with any damage on it, you’ll get a bill to pay a bit later.

You’ll also need to give back everything the car came with, including spare keys, service books, charging cables and locking wheel nuts. You should also make sure it’s got a bit of juice in the battery. Your lease company will normally give you a checklist or guide.

You also need to have stayed in the mileage limits you agreed when you started the lease. If you’ve driven further, you’ll need to pay a fee for that extra distance.

Can I trade in my car?

This depends on your lease company. Selling a car can be really stressful, so if you currently own your vehicle it’s worth checking if the company you’re leasing from can help out.

Will my credit history be checked?

Yes. Because leasing companies want to make sure you can afford the lease, they’ll run a credit check.

What is the difference between leasing and PCP or HP?

With an electric car lease, you simply give the car back at the end of the contract.

HP (or hire purchase) is a bit different. It’s an arrangement where you pay a deposit and then monthly payments for the agreed term, at the end the car is yours. This normally means you’ll be paying more each month than you would for a lease or PCP.

PCP (or personal contract purchase) is different again – it’s a mix of leasing and HP. It starts like a lease, with deposit and fixed payments, however unlike lease or HP  at the end you’ve got an option to either pay a lump sum to buy the car, use the car as deposit against another PCP – or just give it back. Again, the monthly costs tend to work out a bit more than leasing but less than HP.

What is a personal contract hire agreement?

Personal contract hire (or PCH) means leasing a car. The ‘agreement’ is your contract with the lease company. When you sign it, you’re agreeing to rent your car for a certain period and follow their conditions. Then at the end of the lease, you just hand the car back and – as long as you’re in your mileage allowance and it’s in good condition – you won’t have anything else to pay.

New cars need an MOT after three years – and if you take out a maintenance contract, your MOT costs are part of the package. If you don’t have a maintenance contract, you’ll need to keep the car covered with a current MOT certificate, which you’ll need to pay for.

How does electric car business leasing work?

What is the difference between personal and business contract hire?

They’re very similar – if you know how personal leases work, there aren’t many differences at all for business leasing.

The biggest difference is all about tax – and it’s this tax efficiency that makes leasing so popular with businesses. If the business is VAT registered, most of the time you can claim back half the VAT on your lease payments, and all the VAT on maintenance contracts. The company can also offset lease payments against corporation tax, and the benefit-in-kind rate the employee pays is very low for electric cars. This also reduces the employer’s Class 1A National Insurance contributions.

How does leasing an electric car through a business work?

The big difference is that the lease contract is in the business’ name, not the driver’s name. When the lease company makes a credit check it’ll be against the business, rather than against a partner or director’s personal details – though they’ll also ‘soft search’ the directors, partners or owners, which means these checks won’t appear on their credit history.

Can I lease a car if I’m a sole trader?

Absolutely – and it’s a very popular way of doing things. The only difference is that you’ll be credit checked as an individual and a business, and the lease company might ask to see business accounts. The lease will also be regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (which isn’t the case for business leases). You can offset the lease against your tax as well.

Is it cheaper to lease an electric car through a business?

At the moment, when you do the sums, it’s almost always cheaper to rent through a business. It’s a complex calculation, though, and leasing companies will be happy to work out some numbers for you to compare.

What is benefit in kind (BIK), and how does it work?

It’s a tax that drivers pay when they use a company car. It’s based on a percentage of the full price of the car, depending on its emissions, and HMRC take it from your personal income tax allowance.

BIK for petrol or diesel engines starts at 15% and goes up from there, with an average of about 29%.

BIK for electric cars is just 2% from April 2022 until April 2025. And it’s this difference that makes electric cars so popular as company cars.

image of an MG-ZS electric car

What do I need to know to lease an electric car?

What is the difference between an ‘in stock’ deal and a ‘factory order’?

‘In stock’ means the car’s built and ready to go. You won’t have the chance to choose your exact specifications, but you could be driving it in a few weeks (including a cooling-off period).

‘Factory order’ means the factory still needs to build your car. You get to choose everything from the colour to the wheels to the interior, then your dream car gets delivered to your door.

Normally you can expect to wait 3-4 months for a factory order – though supply chain issues mean things can take longer at the moment. The wait time is estimated, so sometimes things will be faster and sometimes they’ll be slower, but the lease company will keep you updated.

Is there a minimum age limit to lease an electric car?

Yes – you’ll need to be at least eighteen or over to take out a lease and you may need a guarantor too.

Do I have to pay a deposit on my lease car?

The initial payment you make when you get the car is like a deposit. You can choose to pay from one-to-twelve times your monthly rental cost – the more you pay to start, the less you’ll pay each month.

Can I get car insurance if I’m not the registered owner?

Yes – it’s no problem insuring an electric car you’re leasing, as long as the lease is in your name. Just let your insurer know the arrangement when you buy your policy.

Can I lease a second car?

That’s up to the lease company, who will look at things in a bit more detail. 

For companies, it’s pretty common and not normally a problem as long as the business’ credit is good enough.

For personal use, second cars are a lot less common. Lease companies will want to know you can afford it, and they’ll ask why you want a second vehicle. 

Is delivery and collection included in a lease deal?

Yes. At the start of the lease you can expect the car to arrive at your address, ready to go. And at the end, you just arrange a collection time and the lease company will sort everything out for you.

Can I part-exchange my existing car?

Lease companies don’t take cars in part exchange, but they’ll often have arrangements with trade buyers to help you sell your old motor. It takes the hassle out of selling – instead of having to deal with tyre-kickers, you simply enter your make, model, age, mileage and condition on a website. Then you find out what they’ll pay straight away.

image of electric cars at public charging station

Driving a leased electric car

What happens if my car is damaged or stolen?

Don’t panic! Just get in touch with your insurance company and they’ll let you know what to do next. If you need to make a claim they’ll handle it all.

Can I exit the lease deal early or transfer a lease to another person?

You can finish a lease early, but you’ll need to pay a termination fee and give the car back. Just ask your lease company and they’ll let you know how much it’ll cost. It’s normally a percentage of your remaining rental fees (often half), but it can be the full fee if you’re coming towards the end of a contract. 

What happens if my lease car is written off?

Like with hire purchase and PCP, you’ll need to pay an early termination fee – and most of the time the insurance money will cover it. 

Insurers only pay the market value of the car, though. So there’s a possibility – particularly early on in your term if you’ve only put down a low deposit – that a payout won’t cover it. If there’s any difference you’ll need to pay it – or you can buy a type of insurance called ‘gap cover’ (this is an optional cover you can get from specialist providers) at the start of your lease.

What happens if I go over my mileage?

Don’t worry – you can keep using the car. You’ll need to pay an excess mileage charge, though, which is a pence-per-mile figure. You’ll agree the amount at the start of the lease and you’ll need to pay it when you give the car back.

It can range from as little as 5 pence-per-mile for smaller cars, up to 50 pence-per-mile for premium vehicles. It’ll also be higher if you have a maintenance package as it covers maintenance costs for the extra mileage.

If you know you’re going to go over your mileage then get in touch with your lease company. You can often raise your mileage – and monthly payments – during your lease period.

Can I put a personal number plate on the car?

Of course. You can either put your plates on at the start of your lease or when you’ve got the car. You just need to let your lease company know, sort things out with the DVLA and pay any charges.

What happens to your lease agreement if you die?

Your estate will need to pay a termination fee for your lease.

Do I own the car?

No – the lease company owns it, and it’s also registered to them.

image of Nissan Ariya electric car

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The Ultimate Home Charging Guide

The Ultimate Home Charging Guide

Electric car chargers are a key part of the switch for many who go electric and charge at home. Here our ultimate guide gives you the lowdown…


How do you charge an electric car at home?

Most electric car owners use a home charging point. These are dedicated devices that you install so you can plug in and charge when you’re at home. They’re weatherproof and are specially designed to safely charge your electric car.  

Home chargers use a normal domestic electricity supply (known as a UK domestic AC single phase supply) to give speeds of up to 7kW.

How long does it take to charge an electric car at home?

If you drive a Nissan LEAF with a 39kWh battery, for example, it takes around seven and a half hours to fully charge – and that charge would give you 168 miles of range. 

It’s rare to fully flatten a battery, though, so it’s unlikely to take that long. Most drivers keep their cars at 20%-80% to look after the battery.  

electric car charging at home

When is the best time to charge an electric car?

For most of us, the cheapest and most convenient way to charge is overnight. You’re at home and energy tariffs can be cheaper. This is also the time of day when more of the grid’s energy is coming from renewables – but this changes according to your energy company and tariff.  

Smart chargers have intelligent built-in features to manage your car’s charge. You can set charging times and schedules. When you enter your energy provider and tariff they can charge automatically while you sleep or when energy is cheapest.

You can also check on your car’s battery while it’s charging and see your stats from a smartphone app. Some smart chargers also let you use energy from solar panels on your home, so you can use free power from the sun rather than from the grid.  

Electric car chargers usually have a tethered connection. This is a permanently attached cable and charging socket.

Some chargers are ‘untethered’ so you can plug in different cables. This is useful if you have more than one electric car with different cables or if you think you might want to change your cable length.

Most tethered chargers use a Type 2 cable, which fits all new cars in the UK. It uses a 7-pin plug, often called a ‘Mennekes’.

You might sometimes see Type 1 cables, which use 5 pins. They’re getting rarer and rarer though, as they were only used on early Nissan LEAF models, the first-generation Kia Soul EV and the Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV.

Yes – there’s a grant of up to £350, or 75% off the cost to buy and install a socket, whichever amount is lower, for people living in a flat, apartment or rental property in the UK to install an electric car charger.

To qualify for the OZEV (Office for Zero Emission Vehicles) grant, you’ll need to:

  • show you’ve recently bought or are leasing an electric vehicle
  • show that off-street parking is available at your property, and
  • have your landlord’s permission if you’re a tenant.

Also, you can only get the grant when you buy your first electric car, and you can’t have more than two OZEV-funded chargers at the property already. 

How do you install an electric car charger at home?

Once you’ve decided which charger is right for you and whether you’re eligible for an OZEV grant, it’s time to pick an installer.

To install Indra Smart PRO chargers, we partner with Plug Me In, who can install across the whole country.  

Our installers will start by visiting you to check over the details. This survey means they can do the essential electrical safety checks before they set a date to fit your charger.

Sometimes you might need to upgrade your distribution board or other electrical components first, but your installer will explain the details. 

They’ll also agree where to install the charger with you. They need to follow electric car charger installation guidelines and the latest regulations, as well as checking where your nearest power supply is and making sure you can park off the street.

Then on your installation day, they’ll fit your charging station and make sure the charging cable is in a safe place. It normally takes about three hours, but it’s a good idea to be available for the whole day just in case.

Before they leave, they’ll register the charger, set up your details and carry out various tests to make sure things are working properly. Then they should show you how to use the charger and how to install the app, as well as help you download the app onto your phone, tablet or computer. As it’s a smart charger, you can check it and control it with the app whenever you’re online. 

untethered Indra charger at home

Can home car chargers use energy from solar panels?

Yes they can – and it can make a big difference when the sun is shining. But you’ll need to do your homework first…

First, you’ll need a solar-compatible charger. Some just work, others need a bit of extra hardware and some don’t work at all.

Second, you’ll need enough power from your solar panels to charge your car and your house. As a rule of thumb, you should aim for about 8-12 panels facing in a direction that gets plenty of sun. This should give you enough power – for example, the Indra Smart PRO charger needs a minimum of 1.4kW/6A to charge a car.

Then – once you’ve got the right charger and you’re generating enough power – you can drive your sunlight-powered car!

This is one of the big challenges for people who want to go electric but who don’t have their own drive.

The most common choice is just plugging in to a destination charger – either near your home or at work. If you can make it work, it might be the best option.

Otherwise, some councils offer on-street residential parking – so it might be worth talking to them. Different solutions include lamp post chargers, free-standing units on the pavement, or telescopic chargers. 

While you might sometimes see cars parked up with a 3-pin cable running across the pavement, we don’t recommend it. 

There are a few questions you should ask when you’re choosing which charger is right for you:

  • How smart does it need to be? Not all smart chargers are the same: some use simple timers you need to set while others (like the Indra Smart PRO) have advanced features like smart scheduling and continuous updates.
  • Tethered or untethered? Tethered chargers have a cable permanently connected, which makes it much simpler to plug in when you get home. Untethered means you can remove the cable: either to swap it for a longer or shorter cable or for one with a different socket.
  • Do you have solar panels? If so, carefully check that you choose a compatible charger.
  • How does it look? Most drivers want something subtle, especially if it’s on the front of their house, but you can choose from plenty of different styles, from the mild to the wild. 

Why choose an Indra Smart PRO charger from ElectriX?

The Indra Smart PRO charger is designed, engineered and manufactured in the UK. It’s one of the smartest on the market and it works with all electric cars. What we really like about the Smart PRO is that it helps you charge from home when it’s cheapest – and it can charge quickly at speeds of up to 7.4kW.

We offer a complete home charging solution with Indra, a leading British EV charger and smart energy technology firm – and we can get your charger installed for you too. 

Our customers love how reliable and efficient the Smart PRO is, while also including smart features like personal charging schedules, solar matching compatibility, a quick boost function, automatic software updates and patented home fuse protection. It has a five-year warranty as standard.  

You can also check your status, update preferences and track your home charging history directly from your phone with the Indra app.

What’s included with an Indra charger from ElectriX?

We also offer a straightforward installation programme with our nationwide installation partner, Plug Me In. 

If you buy from ElectriX, your charger will include a site survey and installation, with up to 15 metres of mains supply cabling. You’ll also get a 5-metre charging cable. You can connect it via Wi-Fi, 4G or an ethernet cable.

There’s a bit of price variation but you should budget about £1,000 for a quality charger like an Indra Smart PRO.

What does that include? First of all, it should include a well-built and well-designed smart charger – plus a site survey, standard installation and VAT. It’s also worth checking whether you’ll need to pay extra for things like internet connections and integration with a home solar system. 

You might also have to pay for any extra electrical equipment you need. Before they do anything, your installer will check with the electricity company that runs the energy network to your home. If they insist on adding or changing anything like an isolator switch or distribution board, that will add to the bill too.

There are a few ways you can check. Your car can tell you how much juice it has on its dashboard display, as well as how much range that gives you – and plenty of other details about your battery. Most modern cars have an app, too.

You can also check your charger. A good quality charger will have a display or indicators on it, while the most advanced smart devices will have a companion app.

How much does it cost to charge an electric car at home?

It depends on your tariff but you can charge for as little as 2p per mile.

A lot of electric car drivers choose an off-peak tariff which is cheaper at night (though more expensive during the day). That’s because there’s less demand for energy in the middle of the night, so it’s much cheaper to buy. And if you’ve got a smart charger you don’t even need to turn your charger on or off during the night: it just happens automatically.

They’re not very popular yet, but some energy suppliers also offer variable tariffs. These use smart technology to change your prices depending on how much demand there is. 

Can you power your home with an electric car?

Using a car to power your home is called ‘V2H’ or ‘Vehicle to Home’ technology. This promising new technology lets you use your car’s enormous battery to power your home.

As well as being very useful during power cuts and unexpected outages, it also lets you store up either solar power from your roof panels or off-peak electricity you’ve bought cheaper at night.

There have been several trial schemes already but it hasn’t yet come to market. 


Do home chargers have any common problems?

According to the experts at Indra, there are two common problems. The first is when a charger’s internet connection isn’t good enough. The charger will still work but you won’t be able to use the charging app. In this case, they recommend running a cable to your charger for internet.

The second is ‘nuisance tripping’, when the charger keeps turning off – normally because of something happening with your home’s electricity supply. Advanced chargers like the Indra Smart PRO have technology to deal with the problem.


Get a smart home charger

Top up your car at home with a smart charger.

  • Smart charging – schedule charges when you need them and when energy is cheapest
  • Easy installation – book an appointment with approved installers
  • Advanced charging tech – we’re working with smart charging experts 
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The Ultimate Guide to Electric Car Range

The basics about electric car range

In this article we’ll explore what electric car range means, what the average range of an electric car is and how to calculate range. We’ll also explain what factors affect range and what to do if you run out of charge. Switching to an electric car can be daunting for some people because electric cars consume energy in a different way to traditional petrol or diesel cars, but its quite simple once you understand the basics.

Electric car range explained

When we talk about range for electric cars, what we’re really asking is: ‘How far can you drive with a full charge?’ So if you’ve got 100% charge, will your car travel 150 miles, 200 miles or more? 

If you’re used to a petrol or diesel car, you might be used to thinking about range a bit differently, for example, how many miles you can travel with a full tank of fuel. 

Typical electric car range

Most electric cars can travel between 100 to 400 miles on a full charge although new models with increasing range are coming onto the market all the time. The average range of an electric car is reportedly 260 miles. There are many factors which affect electric car range for example, driving style, outside temperature and weather etc, which we will cover later on.

Here is a short summary of some of the types of EV’s available and their electric car range, use it as an indicator, different models by manufacturer can have different electric car range dependant on battery size.

*Range listed is manufacturer listed range. Real-World miles may be lower dependant on a number of factors including driving style, weather and battery health for example.

RangeElectric Car Models
100-150You’re looking at a smallish car here. Something like a Nissan LEAF has a range of 143 miles, a Fiat 500e 160 miles or an electric Mini with 110 miles.
150-200This category includes cars like an MG ZS and the Vauxhall Mokka, which both have a range of around 200 miles and Hyundai Kona of 190 miles plus.
200-300These are considered long-range variants with a bigger battery for more miles. The Audi e-tron which has a range of over 300 miles, The Cupra Born – part of the Volkswagen Group has a range of over 260 miles or the Skoda ENYAQ estates smaller battery of 247 miles.
300+These mile-munchers tend to be premium brands like BMW, Tesla and Mercedes, helping you cover long distances in comfort.

How much electric car range do you need

Your first thought might be to buy the longest-range car you can but that’s not always the smartest choice. Long-range EVs need bigger batteries and often cost more. It’s worth asking yourself what sort of range you’ll use, considering your lifestyle, usage and needs. It’s well worth doing some sums before you decide.

In the UK, the average journey length in 2019 was just 8.4 miles, with drivers making an average of 18 trips a week. So if the average driver had a Nissan LEAF with a 145-mile range, that would cover their weekly driving from a single charge.

We recommend keeping track of how far you’re driving in a week and how often you’re parking somewhere you could charge, for example home, work or out and about. This will give you a better idea of your ideal range and combined with budget will help inform your choice.

Range (Miles)Journey type
100-150This is ideal for a local runabout: popping to the shops and visiting friends and family locally. You’re not limited to local travel and you’ll have enough range for longer trips from time to time.
150-200 This might be a good choice for those who do short commutes to work or school runs every day. You won’t need to charge as often and you’ve got more options for longer trips. You’ve got a wide choice of cars including family hatchbacks and compact SUVs.
200-300The perfect choice for most long-distance travellers who want to go electric. This sort of range makes longer distance and international journeys much more comfortable and practical. Some of these vehicles are much bigger in size than lower-range vehicles, which you might have to consider when it comes to parking.
300+Are you happiest when you’re on a road trip? Then look at these big-battery options – but be prepared to spend a bit more for the privilege.

Travelling far in an electric car

People regularly travel the length and breadth of the country in electric cars. They’re nicer to drive on longer trips because they’re much quieter without the engine noise of petrol or diesel cars and smoother to drive.

Just plan out how far you’re going, what your range is, and where you’re going to stop and charge. As more and more charging stations are built, it’s getting easier to top up when you need.

Some car specific apps let you enter a route and then suggest charging points. Some will even let you enter your specific car and then tell you where to stop based on your range and charge level.

Why do some drivers have electric car range anxiety?

Some drivers worry that they are going to run out of charge before they reach a charging point. The good news is it’s easy to cure. Almost everyone loses any range anxiety once they start driving an electric car regularly.

There are plenty of public chargers now, and you can find an up-to-date map here to help plan your journey. In-car range meters are also quite reliable and accurate, giving you lots of advanced warning about when you’ll need to re-charge. If you’re worried, you can even turn on an eco-mode to make the most of your remaining range. This clever mode reduces your car’s acceleration to help you reduce your power consumption. You can read more about charging here.

image of an MG-ZS electric car

How is electric car range measured?

There are two ways of measuring electric car range. The first is Worldwide Harmonised Light Vehicle Test Procedure (WLTP), a standard laboratory test that’s most useful for comparing cars like-for-like. The second is Real-World range, a more realistic figure that accounts for factors that affect electric car range efficiency.

About WLTP

WLTP is a series of tests to measure a vehicle’s emissions and range is one of the factors. Every model of car is taken to a test centre and put on a rolling road – a computer-controlled set of rollers that can simulate different speeds and surfaces.

The laboratory is set to a temperature of 23°C and sensors are hooked up to measure the battery’s current and voltage.

The test includes “driving cycles” – simulations of four different types of driving, including stop-start city driving and open road driving up to 81mph. It also includes constant driving at 100km/hr until the car runs out of charge and slows down.

WLTP range is great of comparing two cars. So if car A has a 220-mile WLTP range and car B has a 240-mile range, you know you’ll get further in car B before you need to charge.

About ‘Real-World’ range

Real-world range means the distance you can drive on real roads on a full charge while you experience all the external factors which impact your electric driving efficiency. Calculating real-world range relies on the driver noting down electric driving performance trends over time.

  1. Establish your actual consumption in winter and in summer, ideally over a fairly long period of time using your typical route profile.
  2. Subtract another five percent from the advertised net capacity to allow for degradation of the battery.
  3. Divide the usable battery capacity by your winter or summer consumption.

The difference between ‘Real-World’ range and WLTP

Tests have found that real world range is on average about 15% less than WLTP range. That’s because real world driving has more variables than a test lab. Temperatures may be lower, which means batteries work less efficiently. You won’t have air con or heaters on during a WLTP test, which all use power. If you’re on the motorway you might travel faster for longer. Plus drivers in the real world try to avoid running their batteries flat like in a test.

image of a small white electric car

6 Factors that affect electric car range

The debate about electric car range consumption is often related to the real-world range figures. In reality your driving style, the weather, how and where you charge as well as battery condition all affect how range efficient your car is. We’ve listed a bit more information below on electric car range factors for you to consider.

Electric car average speed and terrain

As a rule, the faster you drive, the lower your range. Why? It’s mostly down to air resistance. The faster you’re travelling, the more air your car has to force out of the way every second. This all uses energy, so increasing your speed reduced your overall and average range.

Driving up hills also uses more energy although EV’s have the added benefit of regenerative breaking which adds range when driving downhill.

Acceleration and braking

Heavy breaking will eat into your range. Every time you accelerate or brake sharply to slow down you’re reducing your range – either by using battery power to speed up or by losing speed from braking. Electric cars recover some of the power you’d normally waste from braking and use it to top up the battery. Regenerative braking makes a big difference: you can recover about 64% of the energy you’d lose without it.

Weather & season

Adverse weather conditions can make a big difference to electric car range for three reasons. First, batteries are less efficient when they’re cold. Second, cold air is more dense which means it takes more energy to drive in rain, wind and snow. And third, you’ll probably have the heaters on to keep you warm if you’re driving in winter – which uses battery power too.

Preconditioning is a fancy electric car feature that means you can heat or cool your car using power form the grid instead of your battery bumping up your range. You can read more about How do seasons and temperatures affect range?

Vehicle weight

More load means less range, which is why car manufacturers try their hardest to keep vehicles as light as possible. More people in the car or a boot full of luggage will eat into your overall range.

Using the air conditioning and heating

Heating and cooling both eat into your range as they use the battery to heat or cool the air. Adjusting your settings so they aren’t working as hard can make a difference if you’re trying to up your mileage.

Battery condition

The biggest factor that determines the range of an EV is the capacity of the lithium-ion battery in the car. This refers to the amount of electricity that can be stored in it, but the energy density of the batteries is also important. The capacity of a battery slowly decreases over time due to wear and tear caused by charging cycles. Most drivers only charge 80-90% most of the time to keep their batteries healthy – so your day-to-day range might be a bit lower.

Family loading up the electric car

Electric car range and efficiency

Helpful tips to increase your electric car range

Hypermiling (or eco-driving) means driving as efficiently as possible to coax the maximum range from your vehicle.

Some people take it seriously – and results can be staggering. The team at armed-forces charity Mission Motorsport managed to set a record-breaking 9.14 miles per kWh in a Renault Zoe E-tech which was completely unmodified (apart from fitting faster-rolling tyres). That was 475 miles from a car rated for 230!

While most of us aren’t going to enter range-busting marathons, there are some tips we can all follow to make a difference:

  • Drive smoothly – accelerating gently is far more efficient that launching yourself from the traffic lights every time.
  • Drive slower – you’ll see big gains in range by travelling at 60mph or less. Faster than this and more drag means less range.
  • Use regenerative braking – if you’re slowing down, try to stay off the brake pedal and let the regenerative braking do its thing,
  • Turn down climate controls – heating and cooling both use energy, so turning them down or using heated seats instead will give you more range.
  • Check your tyres – under-inflated tyres will sap your range, so check your pressures regularly.

The most common measurement is miles per kWh. To work it out, divide your car’s range in miles by its battery capacity in kWh.

How do you measure the efficiency your EV?

For electric cars, efficiency is typically measured in miles per kilowatt-hour. Miles per kilowatt-hour simply means the miles an EV travels on a kilowatt-hour of energy stored in the battery. Anything above 4 miles per kilowatt-hour is regarded as good. Most electric cars typically see efficiency figures of between 2.5 and 3.5 when driving on the motorway.

You might see some other measurements. ‘Watt-hours/Wh per mile’ pop up sometimes: you can just divide the number by 1,000 to get miles per kWh. You might also see ‘mpg equivalent’, which helps petrol and diesel drivers to compare their car’s efficiency against EVs – but it’s a lot less useful than getting to grips with miles per kWh.

What if I run out of charge?

Most drivers soon work out when to charge up – just like petrol drivers knowing when they need to fill up the tank. Modern electric cars have very accurate range meters and they’ll give you plenty of warning if you’re running low. And most cars have a reserve low-power mode that’ll give you a few more miles to get to the nearest charger.

If the worst does happen, though, just get yourself somewhere safe and call for recovery. Most of the time you’ll get a flatbed truck that can take you – and your car – to the nearest charger.

Sometimes breakdown trucks carry battery-powered emergency chargers. Think of them as the electric equivalent of a petrol can: they’re big battery packs that can give you up to 10 miles of range to get you to a mains-powered charger.

If you want to know more about electric car charging, read our comprehensive guide at The Ultimate Guide To Electric Car Charging.

Are you ready to switch to electric?

The electric car range available is diverse and increasing all the time. Understanding the electric car range is a vital step for you to decide which electric car model is right for you. If you are ready to move to electric cars, start browse our special electric car deals now.

If you are looking for a cost-effective way to go electric, leasing an electric car with ElectriX is the top choice for you.

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Image of Ford Mustang E-mach electric car